Monday, April 30, 2012

Canon Has Released A Firmware Update For The 5D Mark III....

Canon has released a Firmware update for the new 5D called Firmware Version 1.1.2 which incorporates the following improvements and fixes.

1. Supports a new accessory, GPS receiver GP-E2.
2. Fixes a phenomenon where a pink cast may develop over the image when the shutter is completely pressed with the camera’s power turned off (by the auto power off setting).
3. Fixes a phenomenon where the camera operation stops after one shot when shooting in High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode.
4. Fixes a phenomenon where the Shooting Date/Time in the EXIF data of the image shows a later time than the actual shooting time.
5. Fixes the time zone for the Samoa Islands.
6. Corrects errors in the Finnish menu screen.
Firmware Version 1.1.2 is for cameras with firmware up to version 1.0.7. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.1.2, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

The new Firmware Version 1.1.2 can be downloaded by clicking here.

NOTE: Once on the "Drivers & Software" tab please choose operating system and version. Then expand the Firmware section and click on the firmware file name to access the details page. Choose "I Agree - Begin Download" button to start the download.

As always you will find the lowest prices on the 5D Mar III at 

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